
Discover your brand's purpose to begin working to your strengths.

Figuring out what your customers want is a process. Purpose, mission, cause, vibes...cultivating your brand purpose generates a clear connection with their emotional needs and how they want to be seen. Does everyone buy a Tesla because they think it will save the environment?

Your customers want to feel seen, heard and better after they have bought from you. Imagine the new Tesla customer driving away...they are confident in their purchase, proud to belong to a tribe committed good design, to zero emissions and combating climate change.

What is Tesla's brand purpose?

To accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy through increasingly affordable electric vehicles in addition to renewable energy generation and storage.

Your company's brand purpose goes beyond a mission statement or a tagline, it reflects the company's core values and beliefs, and defines its role in society. A brand purpose needs to be an emotional and visual representation of your business' soul; real and meaning despite being intangible. A purpose with substance will  inspire employees and customers to align with the company's vision. It should go beyond the product or service offered and address a higher purpose that connects with people's emotions and values.

Having a clear and real brand purpose is important because it will differentiate a company from its competitors, build trust and loyalty with customers, and motivate employees to work towards a shared goal. It can also help a company to make more socially responsible decisions and create a positive impact in society. In short, brand purpose is the driving force that defines a company's reason for being, and helps to build a strong, purposeful, and sustainable brand.

Generating compelling answers to the questions below is the first step in defining your brand's purpose.

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you do?
  3. Why does what you do matter?

The first two are pretty straightforward, the third question tends to be a sticky one. The thought process requires you to uncover and express the essence of why what you do matters to your tribe.

Why you?

Establishing why and how you are different from your competition means the gap in the market becomes clearer for your product or services. Your messaging can then be built around that differentiator so you take up the right position in your clients' and customers' minds. Try these questions.

  1. What sets you apart?
  2. What emotional and visual associations do you want to be made with your brand?
  3. What do you want your clients to remember you for?
  4. What do you do differently from your competition?

Answering these questions will help you to analyse both yourself and your offering. Often service providers forget that they themselves are the reason people want to work with them, not just their services. Their personality shines through and their specific experience makes for the best fit. Product creators tend to believe that everyone wants to buy their products. You will gradually build your tribe over a number of years. However, you can mitigate wasting the misspent ad budget by working through a Brand Strategy with an expert before you launch your business, or at least after you have proof of concept and want to invest in your brand.

Your brand's purpose will evolve over time, needs to be flexible enough to adapt to ever-changing market conditions and customer needs. However, your business' essence must be clear to you, and practiced with your long-term trajectory in mind. Remember, there is a fundamental reason as to WHY you started your business and rudimentary reasons as to WHY you choose to offer your products and / or services in your own style.

If you are ready to up-level and want to do a deep dive into your business' long term strategy book in for a Brand Strategy. If you are looking for more clarity on what on earth is not quite working book in for a 1:1 Strategy Session, these are an effective way to reset, reboot and tidy all your tools away into the right spot (mentally and digitally).

/Let's talk/

Ready to transform your business with a new website and a strategy you can execute?

Let's get the ball rolling! Book your complimentary discovery call. I'd love to hear about your vision and goals.